If you want to make your next trip an unforgettable and rewarding experience, Belébo Safari is the place for you. I have been a safari guide for 14 years and I specialized in French clients. Discover the circuits that I offer and do not hesitate to contact me for any information.

My name is Said, I am 45 years old. Former teacher of mathematics and physics, I decided to do a 3-year training to become a tourist guide in order to discover the magic of Kenya. Fluent in French, French travelers have trusted me for 14 years. As a safari guide, it is my job to plan everything to ensure you have the perfect and safe vacation. Not just vacations, but exceptional stays and stimulating and enriching experiences. I offer typical circuits but everything is customizable. I have many contacts that allow me to give you the experiences you want.

Reliable & Fully Insured

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Reliable & Fully Insured

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation



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